Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tool #11

The tools that I have come to enjoy are animoto and google docs. Animoto is an easy resource that my students can use to show understanding of a topic. I know my students will enjoy creating brief videos using images.  Google docs is also a great resource. As my colleagues and I are completing our tools, we're sharing documents that we always ask copies for and now we have it available to us at any moment. I'm excited about the technology but also a little nervous. There are so many apps available that it becomes overwhelming, but I know once I get my students started and see the positive outcome my nervousness will go away. Changes that will be made is adding the technology to our lesson plans. There were lots of surprises for me about technology. I found that there is lots of available websites, youtube videos and other resources that would help me and my students learn more about technology.

Tool #10

Three things that I would want my students to know about being a good digital citizen is teaching them about digital etiquette, online safety and cyberbullying. They will be getting to blog with others and use e-mails provided by the school and it is very important for my students to know how to be great digital citizens.
One of the resources I plan to use for teaching online safety is brainpop. I found some good videos that teach online safety that my students can benefit from.
I think open house is a great way to share digital citizenship with my parents next school year. This school year I would probably send a letter home explaining the new resources we will be having in the classroom and if needed conferencing with parents about digital citizenship.

Tool #9

Technology is very important because it is part of our daily society and very important to our children's future. Technology is growing and everyday there is always something new out there. Technology is used by news anchors, journalists, decorators ect... Connecting objectives with technology will allow our students to be engaged in the learning process. They can then make connections to the real world to see how they can improve their technology skills and maybe even teach the teacher something new they learned or produced.
It is very important to hold students accountable for the work stations so that students can feel proud of their work and not feel as if its just busy work. If students feel some responsibility then the work they did will be more relevant.
The 2 sites that I visited were Tutpup and Thinkfinity. Tutpup was interesting because I could use it as an ESL station. Students can write what they learned through sentences using words spelled. They can then use the dictionary to find meanings of the new words they learned. All done on google doc or journal. Thinkfinity was also interesting because students can compose comics, identify elements of literature and compare stories. They would also use google doc or rubric to show understanding of concept.
Two apps that I found for the ipod Touch/ipad were and Grammar Jammers Primary edition. Dictionary .com is a site I already use with my students. We use it to translate spelling/vocabulary words from english to Spanish and vice versa and to find meanings of words. Students can also use google doc, animoto, or journal to create there sentences and write meanings found. Grammar Jammers Primary Edition had lots of grammar practice that would be good to improve English skills. Students would use google doc or journal to show learning.
Another way I could use the iPod Touch/ipad is by using the recording device. Students can record their reading and listen to how they sound to help improve their fluency. As I learn more and implement the devices in my teaching, I will then be able to share more ideas.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tool #8

After reading and watching the videos on tool 8, I learned that as a teacher I am responsible for insuring that the students and myself use the devices properly. I need to sync the devices to be able to download apps and other material much faster. My students will be engaged in learning while creating new products to demonstrate their learning of the objective.
To manage the devices in my classroom I will set rules and guidelines that need to be followed. I will also make sure that only students with parent permission have access to the devices. In my classroom, students have "jobs" that they are responsible for. I will plan on adding new jobs as to how my students will be using the devices in the classroom.

Tool #7

Content objective will be reading. TSW use prior learning about people or animals they have researched on to create an animoto to present to their reading buddies from another grade level. Their partner will then write 2-3 sentences about their learning  in their journals and if time permits on blog created or edmodo. This will take place some time in the Spring.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tool #6
One of the tools I found interesting is wallwisher. I would use this as a writing/community center where students can share their thoughts about things. Sometimes we don't get that one-on-one time and many of my students have lots to share.I feel this would be one way to give them that opportunity to share their thoughts and use it as a writing stem. I also liked Edmodo since it is a tool that is being used by SBISD. It is a way to have a discussion with different groups and I can also use it to have discussions with my students.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tool #5

The tools provided are great tools to hook our students into learning a new concept that can later  be used for centers. I know some of my students would benefit from using their creativity to creating new projects through technology.